Youth Groups
$75.00 + GST per week (5-week group)
* Our groups are offered at various times throughout the year. Connect with us today to learn more.
A place of connection. A place of belonging.
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Our youth groups provide a safe space to express your truest self with others that really get it. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to meet some awesome people, express yourself with non-judgment from others, and learn some helpful tips for managing difficult situations. The connections built here are long-lasting with a chance to stay connected, beyond the last group get-together. Share, inspire, laugh, and cry with us. We hope to see you soon.
We offer a DBT-informed online youth group based on the four pillars of wellness from a DBT perspective. The group runs for five weeks and offers a variety of opportunities to develop both self-awareness and community building. Access the group from the comfort of your own home and share as little or as much of yourself as you feel comfortable with.
Four Pillars of Wellness
Anchoring to the here-and-now is tough; and yet, living in the past or future can lead to problems. Join our conversation about how mindfulness might improve your present experience. Pro tip: “mindfulness” does not have to mean “breathing in a dark room with candles for 30 minutes”. Explore a variety of ways to incorporate mindful activity in a practical and effective way.
Distress Tolerance
Sometimes, big things happen that lead to really intense physical and emotional responses. When faced with a crisis, it is helpful to have a repertoire of strategies to rely on to get you through. In this group, we explore different types of crises, effective and helpful coping strategies, and discuss how to turn towards acceptance when we have little control in a situation. Come connect and share in real discussions on important topics.
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Do you find it hard to say “no” to a request, or ask for something from another? You’re definitely not alone! Here, we focus on how to incorporate healthy communication and boundaries with the important people in our lives in a way that balances self-respect with respect for others. Connect with peers and access support to work through interpersonal difficulties in your life.
Emotion Regulation
Are your emotions helping or hindering your daily life? In this group, we explore how to accurately identify emotions and practice listening to what they are trying to tell us (yes, emotions can talk!). Get back in the driver’s seat with your emotions in the passenger seat, and explore ways to regulate them when they begin to take over.